About Accordion Stories from the Heart
Accordion Stories from the Heart
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The intention in creating this book was to make it a pleasurable, as well as an educational, viewing experience. But in the collecting of the many pictures, stories and in the production of the work itself, something quite unexpected happened.
As you read through the stories and see the various pictures of accordions, a composite mental picture may begin to immerge for you. It is the simple image of an accordionist offering their personal gift of music to the listener(s). This representative picture of how accordion players connected and created lasting relationships with other people is a hallmark of the accordion experience. They offered people their friendship in the form of a musically created greeting card, if you will, one that was personally built and delivered by the player.
As a grandparent these days, I am especially touched when my two beautiful grandsons create or build something themselves and offer it as a gift to me. They make that gift just for me and no one else, and so it becomes very special. As it turns out, that is how many accordion players from the past, and even today, create and deliver their musical gifts to people. It has the effect of bringing folks together and helping relationships grow deeper and stronger. In a sense, it can have the effect of building a bridge between people that, under ordinary circumstances, may have never occurred. It offers a starting point from which a mutually reciprocal relationship can develop and grow.
As of this writing, this is something our society seems to need in great quantities these days. Our country is deeply divided on many social and governing issues. But then again this is not something so new. This was the case often enough in the last 200 plus years of our American history, which coincidentally is at least how long the accordion has been around. I truly believe that during this period, the accordion helped many people come together through the tough times in their lives. Its musical message brought a sense of healing, happiness and unity. I also believe it can continue to do so as we move deeper into the 21st century. I hope we will let it continue to deliver its magic.